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Why You Need An EVP
The Brave & Heart Team The Brave & Heart Team

Why You Need An EVP

We're hearing a lot in the industry right now about "Quiet Quitting" and "The Great Resignation", and how an EVP may be the antidote. So, what actually is an EVP?

In a few words, an employee value proposition (EVP) is the value a company offers to employees in return for the value they bring to the organisation.

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Quiet Quitting - Is Tik Tok’s latest trend a problem or a solution?
The Brave & Heart Team The Brave & Heart Team

Quiet Quitting - Is Tik Tok’s latest trend a problem or a solution?

We’ve talked about the Great Resignation™, we’ve talked about coasting, make way for a new buzz term in the workplace world – Quiet Quitting™.

After taking off on Tik Tok as a hack for quitting while still getting a paycheck, a closer look shows us it doesn’t REALLY mean that at all.

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