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New Year New Newsletter
The Brave & Heart Team The Brave & Heart Team

New Year New Newsletter

New Year New Us.

Just kidding, in this newsletter you’ll find all the usual work, tech and marketing news that you signed up for – why fix it if it’s not broke!

And that’s the same for your resolutions – if you survived last year without waking up at 5am every day to read a motivational book, we’re sure you can do the same this year. We believe in you!

Now, we’ve got the dangers of New Year’s resolution (told you) to the new work war coming in 2023, and the “trends” to look out for in marketing this year.

Let’s get into it.

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Last But Not Least
The Brave & Heart Team The Brave & Heart Team

Last But Not Least

Welcome to our official last newsletter of the year.

In this one we will round up work trends from 2022, wondering why the word “Great” had such a huge place in it, and take a look at some first-hand encounters from the rollercoaster which has been this year.

We hear from the remaining crypto-faithful, retirees back in the workforce, and the woman who fought hard for flexible work to be recognised as possible, and take a look at some jobs which may soon disappear off the face of the earth.

Let’s get into it.

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Tis’ The Season For Giving
The Brave & Heart Team The Brave & Heart Team

Tis’ The Season For Giving

This week we’re getting into the Christmas spirit and doing a gift special. Don’t worry, this isn’t a round-up article of all the nonsense you can buy on Amazon, like every other Buzzfeed article, but a more nuanced look at gift giving and Christmas this year.

Including the social-media-isation of Christmas magic the concept of “giftflation” and why Christmas ads feed into it so much, and the fall of sustainable gifts.

We’ve also sneaked some coal into your stocking with a story on Elon Musk, sorry!

Let’s get into it.

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Office Love Affairs & Helicopter Bosses
The Brave & Heart Team The Brave & Heart Team

Office Love Affairs & Helicopter Bosses

This week we’re asking, do you have a new love affair with your office? (Our recent LinkedIn poll says not really). Is your boss a helicopter boss? And, what are you looking for in the social network of your future?

Not to mention more nightmarish stories from Musk’s Twitter, and a little guide to Gen Z slang to help you navigate life with your new colleagues.

Plus, if you’re looking to buy electronics for youngsters this Christmas check out this week’s bonus content.

Let’s get into it.

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Influencers, Managers and AI Princesses
The Brave & Heart Team The Brave & Heart Team

Influencers, Managers and AI Princesses

This week we’re looking at how influencer marketing can survive the cost of living crisis, is LinkedIn the new twitter (don’t think so) and how Elon Musk’s my way or the highway style of management definitely does not translate to the service industry in today’s economy.

Also, we’re begging you once again not to give your data to fun apps.

Let’s get into it.

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Free Speech and Heart Eye Emojis
The Brave & Heart Team The Brave & Heart Team

Free Speech and Heart Eye Emojis

This week we’re talking the affront on free speech that is “being mean to Elon Musk”, the advertising genius of Spotify Wrapped, and what it really means to be irreplaceable in the workplace. Spoiler alert – you don’t really want that.

Also – do we prefer emojis to corporate jargon? Absolutely

Let’s get into it.

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Ghosts In The Machine & Retirees In The Workforce
The Brave & Heart Team The Brave & Heart Team

Ghosts In The Machine & Retirees In The Workforce

This week we’re talking Black Friday, Mark Zuckerburgs failures (always a pleasure) and the latest in recruitment and the wandering eyes of employees worried about layoffs and an uncertain future.

Can we care about Black Friday’s effect on the environment when we don’t have enough money to spend in the first place? Should Mark Zuckerberg retire? Is Elon Musk an easy target?

Let’s get into it.

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Culture vs. Violence, AI Authors & VR Fails
The Brave & Heart Team The Brave & Heart Team

Culture vs. Violence, AI Authors & VR Fails

We really had to fight to not do a full Twitter episode this week because Musk is truly going wild over there, but we’ve managed cherry picked only a couple highlights from the plethora of madness he’s treated us to this week over at Twitter HQ, namely our predictions coming true and his attempt to completely transform a company culture through sheer violence.

What’s more, we touch on the cuts across the tech world, AI trying to steal my job, and the best review of the Meta Quest Pro.

Let’s get into it.

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Hiring And Firing, How Not To Do It
The Brave & Heart Team The Brave & Heart Team

Hiring And Firing, How Not To Do It

There’s a lot going on in the Tech world this week, with most of the biggest headlines dipping over into HR territory, and some marketing to boot, the classic B&H trifecta you could say.

We’re looking at Tik Tok’s chokehold on the music industry, the madness emanating from Twitter HQ (if you listen carefully, you can almost hear it in the distance) and why Slack trash talking isn’t that big a deal.

Let’s get into it.

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Taking Stock of 2022 - What’s New In Work?
The Brave & Heart Team The Brave & Heart Team

Taking Stock of 2022 - What’s New In Work?

Coming to the end of 2022, we were expecting to see a transition from the “Great Resignation”. This transition has been named by last week’s McKinsey quarterly report as the “Great Negotiation”. What does this mean?

Talent attraction is changing, what makes people want to stay at their current jobs is changing, as is what makes them want to leave, but how can businesses adapt to this, if they can at all?

So, what are the trends, and how should we be gearing up to face them in 2023?

Let’s get into it.

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Ding Ding Ding – We Have An Emergency
The Brave & Heart Team The Brave & Heart Team

Ding Ding Ding – We Have An Emergency

We’re bringing an emergency mid-week newsletter episode to you – Twitter officially belongs to Elon Musk.

What’s the damage?

Let’s get into it.

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Attack Of The AI
The Brave & Heart Team The Brave & Heart Team

Attack Of The AI

This week we’re doing a deep dive on AI in its various forms and uses. From pure tech and AI for the sake of AI, to real-life utilisations from recruitment to gambling.

Is it actually useful and worth developing, is it a tech vanity project, and will it inevitably always end in some terrifying nonsense like that dance scene in Ex Machina?

Let’s get into it.

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PR Disasters & Tik Tok Trauma
The Brave & Heart Team The Brave & Heart Team

PR Disasters & Tik Tok Trauma

This week we’re looking at a social media and marketing crossover, namely how are Adidas going to deal with the hot potato that Kanye West has become, the possibility of a future with a search engine without ad influence, Tik Tok trauma, McDonalds on eBay and much more.

Don’t worry though, we do also have some good science news to bring you amongst all that chaos.

Let’s get into it.

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Social Media, For Good Or For Evil?
The Brave & Heart Team The Brave & Heart Team

Social Media, For Good Or For Evil?

This week were looking at the good and evil dichotomy of Social Media advertising, featuring Kim K, of course, the obsolete suit and tie dress code and the brave new world of advertising while facing an economic AND environmental crisis. Fun!

Let’s get into it.

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Meaningful Work & Robot Servants
The Brave & Heart Team The Brave & Heart Team

Meaningful Work & Robot Servants

This week there’s a lot of juicy HR news going on, including the rising importance of meaningful work, Virgin Airlines allowing men to wear skirts and ladies to wear trousers, and Tim Cook keeping four women in his pocket (we assume.)

Tech news of course getting in on the action with the danger of voice activated robot servants and some more, depressing as ever, Metaverse news.

Let’s get into it.

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Environmental Mic Drop
The Brave & Heart Team The Brave & Heart Team

Environmental Mic Drop

There is a lot going on this week. The CEO of Patagonia made everyone look like liars and losers, Center Parcs made an absolute howler of a mistake navigating the tricky circumstances of responding to the Queens funeral as a brand, and your work may be more like a cult than you could ever have imagined.

Let’s get into it.

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Pay Gap Problems
The Brave & Heart Team The Brave & Heart Team

Pay Gap Problems

This weeks tech news has brought up an unfortunately ever-present issue in the workplace, the gender pay gap, which extends to all minorities in the workplace, be it people of colour, members of the LGBTQ community, and even parents.

Is being a minority in the workplace better or worse since Covid changed the way we work? Will the gap ever close? And what do hackers have to do with it?

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Quiet Quitting
The Brave & Heart Team The Brave & Heart Team

Quiet Quitting

We’ve talked about the Great Resignation™, we’ve talked about coasting, make way for a new buzz term in the workplace world – Quiet Quitting™.

After taking off on Tik Tok as a hack for quitting while still getting a paycheck, a closer look shows us it doesn’t REALLY mean that at all.

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Long Term vs. Short Term Marketing
The Brave & Heart Team The Brave & Heart Team

Long Term vs. Short Term Marketing

Struggle to get your noggin around long-term and short-term marketing? Don't worry, us too (sometimes.)

Which is the better tactic? Are they actually different? Can you do both at once?

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