User Journey Redesign

Using our user-centred design methodology, we redesigned Northern Powergrid’s customer user journey.

Ensuring their website is fit for purpose and exceeds industry standards.

Northern Powergrid needed to refresh its customer website to ensure usability and stop the flooding of its call centres with questions. They needed to ensure their user journey and experience were cohesive and called on us to answer the following questions:

What does the user journey look like? Where are the main drop-off points for site users? And, most importantly, how can we fix it?

With extensive experience in the digital space, designing user journeys for global intranets and developing sites for other corporate users, Brave & Heart knew how to tackle this unique challenge.

We quickly provided them with two fully revamped and adapted plans for their key user journeys. These plans allow their customers to navigate the site and use their online tools, ensuring minimum drop-offs.

In addition, building on our expertise from years of experience building user sites, we gave them examples of how content could be rewritten and created style icons to level up their site offering.

All in all, we left them with ready-to-implement work packages to hand over the project to their website provider. In short, we gave them all the tools necessary to ensure that their site was not only fit for purpose but exceeded expectations.

Charlotte Mann - Graduate Account Manager, Brave & Heart

“We used our user-centred design methodology for this challenge as we felt it was the best fit for Northern Powergrid’s particular challenge. Following the Research, Concept/Ideas, Design, and Test steps allowed us to fully focus on each step to map the challenge and find solutions to optimise their customer journey.”

To find out more on how we did this, view the case study here.

Do you need help to ensure your website’s user journey exceeds industry expectations?

Find out how we can do this for you by mailing us.

Be brave.

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